Winamp Lyrics Opener 1.1
A free tool that automatically shows you the lyrics to the song playing at the moment in your Winamp.
As you should have been able to easily work out just from the name of this program, Winamp Lyrics Opener, obviously, is a plug-in to add to the famous Winamp player. The aim of this plug-in is to get and show on-screen the lyrics of the song that`s playing at that moment in the player.
This way, thanks to this Winamp Lyrics Opener plug-in, you can learn the lyrics to your favourite songs and sing along to the song in Winamp. Also, it will be a way to learn and improve your knowledge of English (and other languages in which the lyrics are).
Winamp Lyrics Opener is a good way to get much more out of your Winamp.
This Winamp Lyrics Opener program is very easy to download, install and then use, through its friendly and intuitive user interface. You don't need any technical experience at all to get the most out of it. This is because the program works automatically. To open lyrics left click on the "WA" system tray icon. Right click on it to change settings, exit program or close lyrics. You have to download the lyrics of a song and save them it in text format. You can search lyrics in search engines like Google, Yahoo and AV. All lyric files must be in .txt format.
So there you have it. If you want a plugin for your Winamp that helps you with the lyrics of a song you are listening to, then you need a program like this Winamp Lyrics Opener. And best of all is that you can download it for free! What are you waiting for?
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